City of Ottawa
Capital Parking
StationnementVille d’Ottawa
Free Parking
ST Stationnement Capital
The following transit lines have routes that pass near Chinatown: OC Transpo buses #10, #11 and #85. Train #1.
Call 613-741-4390 or visit for more information.
· Plusieurs routes passent près de Chinatown: Autobus: #10, #11, #55 and #85. Train: #1
· Pour plus d’informations, appelez le 613-741-4390 ou visitez
VRTUCAR Car Sharing was established in Ottawa in 2000, with one car and four members. Today, this thriving local business has grown into a reliable transportation network, serving 1,800 members with over 100 fuel-efficient cars located in Ottawa and Gatineau.
VrtuCar has a station in the heart of Chinatown, under the royal arch at 687 Somerset Street.
Strategically located in the center of the Ottawa-Gatineau capital region, Chinatown is within walking distance from downtown Ottawa and Parliament Hill especially on a nice day. It is a pleasant walk from many downtown hotels to discover this multicultural village with an Asian flavour.
There are many bike parking racks in Chinatown. Riding Scooters will also get you to Chinatown!
À Pied
Au Cœur de la région capitale, Chinatown est une courte promenade du Centreville, et du parlement, surtout quand il fait beau. C’est une agréable marche depuis de nombreux hôtels pour découvrir ce village multiculturel aux accents asiatiques.
En vélos ou en scooter
Il y a beaucoup de supports de stationnement pour vélos. Accès à Chinatown est facile en vélo ou scooter.